Your bike holiday in Bormio

Below you can find data, updated in real time, on the weather situation in Santa Caterina Valfurva.

There are the values of temperature, pressure and humidity for the last twenty-four hours, with relative graphs. On the side, you can also find the weather forecast for the next 3 days.

Data is current at time of 22/01/2025 time: 6:32

Santa Caterina Valfurva

Temperature: -11,1 °C


Min: -10,90 °C - time: 05:37

Max: 0,40 °C - time: 13:42

Humidity: 88 %


Min: 68 % - time: 12:22

Max: 92 % - time: 00:12

Pressure: 1021,3 hPa


Min: 1019,00 hPa - time: 14:22

Max: 1022,50 hPa - time: 23:22