Data is current at time of 12/03/25 time: 4:38

Below you can find data, updated in real time, on the weather situation in Bormio.
There are the values of temperature, pressure and humidity for the last twenty-four hours, with relative graphs. On the side, you can also find the weather forecast for the next 3 days.
Data is current at time of 12/03/25 time: 4:38
Min: 1,80 °C - time: 03:43
Max: 8,90 °C - time: 15:13
Min: 63 % - time: 15:13
Max: 92 % - time: 07:28
Min: 999,50 hPa - time: 04:33
Max: 1009,20 hPa - time: 00:02