The trail map
The trail passes through: Grosotto - Sentiero Italia - Campesei - Grosotto
Map and altitude:Full screen map
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Trail description
The Cornin Bike Trail is a very fun and historically very important mtb route.
The fun is given by the multiplicity of hairpin bends that you encounter when descending from an altitude of 2000 m, almost never exposed and not too closed. With good downhill skills, you can walk the trail with a lot of fun.
But there is a historical aspect to remember. The path is nothing more than an old military road which used to reach the fortifications of the so-called "Cadorna line": the second defensive line, on which no battles were ever fought, to protect the Valtellina.
Going down the route, you can visit several trenches, forts and protections, still very well preserved, which make this itinerary unique in its kind.
From Grosotto , the climb is very hard and recommends to be accompanied at high altitude by a bike shuttle.
Once you cross the Sentiero Italia, to reach the start of the descent you have to pedal first, and then push, the bike for about two kilometers and a difference in altitude of 300m.
The complete report and some photos You can find them on the blog page: Cornin Bike Trail.
This trail has been viewed 2455 times.