The trail map
The trail passes through: Bormio - Boscopiano - Cancano - Torri di Fraele - Bormio
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Trail description
The Cancano Valley represents the most characteristic and appreciated area of the whole of Alta Valtellina, immersed in the Stelvio National Park.
With its two artificial lakes, which they feed the Premadio hydroelectric plant, and unspoiled nature is the undisputed homeland of all bikers: you can find easy and suggestive paths, but also adrenaline-pumping and panoramic ones.
In this route, to reach Cancano you go up from Boscopiano, a demanding but very suggestive road. Along the road that leads to the Stelvio Pass, after 5 km you turn left, where a path begins which, after 5 km and 500m in altitude, leads near the first lake of Cancano.
The tour of the lakes it is pleasant and not at all demanding and in the summer the road is closed to traffic in the central hours of the day.
To return, take the road that runs alongside the lake and then the Fraele Towers. At this point there is only descent for a pleasant return to Bormio.
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